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Terres De Foc [ 2016 ]


Are you ready to unleash the fiery power of "Terres de foc"?

Immerse yourself in a musical journey through the ages, from the ancient civilizations to the modern world, and discover the epic history of Catalonia. With a mix of power and death metal, this album will take you on a thrilling ride full of intense riffs, thunderous drums, and soaring vocals. Don't miss out on the chance to own this album and add it to your collection.

Get your copy now at our online store and feel the flames of "Terres de foc" ignite your soul!

1. Sacrifici immortal
2. Sota setge
3. Atlàntida
4. Rebel·lió
5. La llegenda àuria
6. Llegat
7. Terres de foc
8. Cant de corbs
9. Reconquesta i sang
10. A la forca
11. Llàgrimes de gel ( Bonus track )